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How many of you out there feel like the last few weeks, or may I safely say months have been a complete daze? This Christmas has been anything but normal for my family. My parents are both sick so for the first time in 45 years Im not spending the holiday with them. My immediate family decided not to exchange gifts because the last few months have been taxing financially. Today I woke up and got my husband and son out of bed early and made them take a drive with me to the beach to go have breakfast. I needed that time to get out of my head and out of my house. I enjoyed sitting and talking with both of them as we happily munched on our chips and salsa. I found myself genuinely smiling. I came home and made beautiful wall hangings for the shop and then walked our 2 dogs with my youngest son. I made sure I was completely present as we walked and talked. I took in and cherished every second with him. My oldest came and ate bbq with us before both my boys had to leave to visit other members of the family. I find myself here alone with my husband for the first time ever on Christmas Eve. I decided to play music and take an extra long shower... I sang, danced, and then cried. I thought about how appreciative I am of my life, even the hard parts. I spent extra time giving thanks and gratitude to all of my helping spirits and ancestors. This is something I do every night, but tonight it poured from my heart. I am so blessed to have been guided to my path of being a healer, I couldn't do it without all of them. There is so much uncertainty in the world right now. It doesn't matter who you are, what background, or religious system you stem from, you are feeling a bit out of sorts as of late. There is one thing I know, we are all in this together. I wish the mass collective could wake up to the fact love is and always will be the answer to this chaos. If we could find a way to work together instead of having the ridiculous need to be right you would find almost everything that is bad in the world would change very rapidly. The old systems are falling away, they won't be needed soon. This is the discomfort you feel. The "feeling" that something is different (because it is). Have you noticed the days seem to just fly by? That's because they are. The Earths vibration is accelerating. It is adjusting itself just like we are for changes to come. That is why you will see drastic changes in our weather patterns and disturbances in our solar system. The Earth is letting off steam just as we do. Always remember the Earth can happily survive without us but we can't survive without her. We have all sat in a state of stagnancy for too long. You are starting to see the effects of this all around you. All you have to do is turn on the news and you are immediately flooded with all of the world's upheaval. Rarely do our systems get flooded with visions of love and happiness. We need to choose to raise our own vibration, bring forth our own joy. Start doing things that make your heart happy. I enjoy doing things like meditation, gardening, and walking barefoot through the grass like I did as a child. Do one good thing everyday for another person, something entirely selfless. Mostly give and receive love like your life depends on it because ultimately it does. As Christmas Day will pass as quickly as it came, I will choose to make everyday better. No matter what that looks like for you right now try it! It can be as simple as consciously choosing to smile. Love to all of you and very Happy Holidays!

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