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Maiden, Mother, and the Crone, and the in between nobody warns you about✨

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

The maiden is a beautiful representation of all of the young ladies out there before they have children. This is the season we have countless dreams and the world feels as if it is filled with endless possibilities. We spend much of our time planning our grand futures. We stay up late making wonderful memories, some of which we will undoubtedly forget by morning. Our bodies are young and full of life. Energy flows in an abundance. For most of us we haven't yet experienced that first heartache that threatens to break your soul. We feel as if we have forever not truly understanding how quickly forever goes.

The mother is a representation of us women that are of child bearing years. These are the years we spend changing countless diapers and dreaming more on our childrens behalf than our own. You discover a love so powerful you wouldn't question giving your own life to protect that little person you created. There are family dinners and vacations. Life is beyond busy with school pick up times and balancing the task of being a mother and sometimes being an employee. When you are so tired you can barely keep yourself upright you hear that little voice from the other room asking to be tucked in. That precious moment together makes the heaviness of the world melt away. Our bodies at this age are fruitful and many of us now have stretch marks on our once flawless skin. We now have to work a tad bit harder to keep that figure of the maiden.

The crone represents the women over 50 that have wisdom flowing from every part of their beings. They have had heartaches, made countless mistakes, some have held babies in their arms. Crone has spent many evenings of her life crying by herself in the shower so nobody can hear. She is not allowed that weakness. She has to be the stoic face that holds her family together. She becomes the ultimate mentor for the ladies we have paved the way for. We now begin to miss the family dinners and the beautiful chaos. We begin to ask ourselves when was the very last time my child asked to be tucked in. As we think back to that moment we wonder if we took the time to soak it in or were we so tired we rushed through it. We start to become grandparents , and our childrens finderprints on the wall are soon replaced with those of our grandchildrens. Our bodies have scars both internally and externally. We have become the Matriarchs of our family. We are honored by most.

The in between I truly believe is the hardest. Your stuck right in the middle of Mother and Crone. I am 44 and this is where I currently reside. I have 2 adult children but I am in no way ready to release that title of Mother. I became a mother at the young age of 21 and have lived my life for my 2 boys every day since. If they aren't with me I worry about them constantly. I have forgetten who I truly am as a person. What things did I enjoy before I had kids? We try our hardest to make sure our kids feel like they have space and they aren't smothered by us. Deep down you want to call them and tell them about all of the silly things that happen throughout your day. Mothers never truly let go of their children. The children slowly release their need for us. I watch the Maiden and soon to be the Mother start to fade away into the rear view mirror of life. I bravely strap on my seatbelt in preparation of my next role. Women are always told to stop aging by any means possible. We are supposed to look young and act young. I personally wear my gray hair as a badge of honor. I will honestly tell you a night on the couch watching movies far supersedes any ideas of going out dancing all night. I praise and honor you my beautiful maiden and mother. Crone I hear you calling but I'm going to cherish the last moments right where I am "The in between".

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3 comentários

Tink Torres
Tink Torres
09 de mai. de 2023

I love this so much, thank you. You literally nailed it!! Extremely beautiful, sad, and I feel so seen❤️❤️


Tink Torres
Tink Torres
11 de set. de 2022

This is sooooo beautiful Kristi ❤️❤️❤️ I feel you. What a journey🥰. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Very magical

11 de set. de 2022
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🙏🏼Thank you

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